The 100 썸네일형 리스트형 예수를 욕먹게하는 자들은 누구? 윌러비교회의 마크목사는 몇 주전 부터 사도행전을 가지고 설교하고 있습니다. 그런데 이 시리즈 강해설교의 첫 설교를 할 때 마이클 하트가 지은 책, The 100: The Most influential persons in history 에서 다음과 같은 대목을 인용하여 소개했습니다. ‘I am neither a Muslim nor a Christian, but on my observation Mohammed has far more influence in the lives of Muslims than Jesus does in the lives of Christians. And if believers simply took more notice of the teachings of Jesus I would hav.. 더보기 The 100: The Most Influential Persons in History Mark(Pastor of Willoughby Christian Reformed Church) introduced passages cited from a book, The 100: The Most influential persons in history(Michael H. Hart), several weeks ago. Hart, the author of the book, ranked Jesus as third following Mohammed and Isaac Newton. And the reason he arranged so is follows, ‘I am neither a Muslim nor a Christian, but on my observation Mohammed has far more influ.. 더보기 이전 1 다음